Wisdom from the wellspring: attending a Central Texas DITA Users’ meetup
I’ve been meaning to attend a Central Texas DITA Users’ meetup now for ages, having lurked their message boards for years. And I finally went!
I’ve been meaning to attend a Central Texas DITA Users’ meetup now for ages, having lurked their message boards for years. And I finally went!
Actually, the blog title is a misnomer–I started trying to code up a naive Bayes classifer while studying chapter 6 of the Python NLTK book, but I didn’t ge...
I recently got re-interested* in natural language processing, in conjunction with working on a taxonomy/ontology and reading about applications for taxonom...
A lot happening in work-land recently; hard to keep up with blogging! Some brief updates on the coding front:
I’ve been working hard recently to gather specs for a new hardware product I’m documenting. Combing through competitor docs to compare organization, hiera...